Stainless steel 304

Stainless Steel round bars and channels of various sizes
Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel round bars and channels of various sizes

Stainless steel 304 Introduction

Stainless Steel 304 – The extruded bar is a chromium-nickel austenitic stainless steel with good strength and excellent corrosion resistance as supplied in the annealed condition with a typical Brinell hardness of 175.

Characterised by high corrosion resistance in corrosive environments, this metal exhibits excellent resistance to most oxidizing agents, general foodstuffs, sterilising solutions, dyestuffs, most organic chemicals, plus a wide variety of inorganic chemicals also hot petroleum gases, steam combustion gases, nitric acid and to a lesser extent sulphuric acid. It displays good oxidation resistance at elevated temperatures and has excellent weldability.

304 cannot be hardened by thermal treatment, but strength and hardness can be increased substantially by cold working, with a subsequent reduction in ductility.

It is available with improved machinability (by calcium injection treatment) which has little effect on corrosion resistance and weldability, while greatly increasing feeds and/or speeds plus extending tool life.

Industries applications include: Food Processing, Dairy Equipment, Dying Industry, Architectural Equipment, Hardware and Kitchenware Manufacturing Industry, Chemical, Petrochemical and Transport Industries etc..

This material non-magnetic in the annealed condition, but can become mildly magnetic following cold working. Annealing is required to rectify if necessary.

N.B. Optimum corrosion resistance is achieved in the annealed condition.


Related Specifications
Australia AS 2837-1986-304
Germany W.Nr 1.4301 X5CrNi 18 10
Great Britain BS970 Part3 1991 304S15/304S31
BS970 1955 EN58E
Japan JIS G4303 SuS 304
USA ASTM A276-98b 304
SAE 30304 AISI 304
UNS S30400

Chemical Composition of 304

Chemical Composition    
  Min. % Max %
Carbon 0 0.08
Silicon 0 1.00
Manganese 0 2.00
Nickel 8.00 10.50
Chromium 18.00 20.00
Nitrogen 0 0.10
Phosphorous 0 0.045
Sulphur 0 0.03
*Molybdenum option addition.    



Mechanical Properties and heat treatment

Mechanical Property Requirements - Annealed to ASTM A276-98b 304
Finish Hot Finish Cold Finish Cold Finish
Dia or Thickness mm All Up to & incl 12.7mm Over 12.7mm
Tensile Strength Mpa Min. 515 620 515
Yield Strength Mpa Min. 205 310 205
Elongation in 50mm % Min. 40 30 30


Typical Mechanical Properties At Room Temperature - Annealed
Finish Cold Drawn Other
Tensile Strength Mpa 680 590
Yield Strength Mpa 500 240
Elongation in 50mm % 42 55
Impact Charpy V J 190 183
Hardness HB 195 155
Rc 13


Temperature oC 20 430 550 650 760 870
Short - Time Tensile Tests Tensile Strength Mpa 580 425 370 310 205 140
Yield Strength Mpa 240 150 130 115 95 70
Elongation in 50mm % 60 40 35 32 33 40
Creep Tests Stress for % Creep in
10,000 hours Mpa
115 50 15


Typical Mechanical Properties - Annealed at Zero and Sub-Zero Temperatures
Temperature oC 0 -70 -130 -180 -240
Tensile Strength Mpa 870 1000 1300 1400 1650
Yield Strength Mpa 260 300 350 375 450
Elongation in 50mm % 57 50 45 40 30
Impact Charpy V J 190 190 185 180 180


Heat Treatment

Heat to 1020 oC - 1100 oC, holds until temperature is uniform throughout the section.

*Soak as required. Quench in water to obtain optimum corrosion resistance.*

Soaking time should be long enough to ensure that the part is heated thoroughly throughout its section to the required temperature, 30 minutes per 25 mm of the section may be used as a guide.

Please consult your heat treater for the best results.



Stainless Steel 304 is slightly easier to machine than improved machinability 316 or 316L grades. But more difficult to machine than 303 free machining grade and most of the 400 series stainless steels.

It has a typical machinability rating of around 55% - 60% of free machining (S1214) mild steel. Due to its high work hardening rate, cutting or drilling tools etc. must be kept sharp at all times and not cause unnecessary work hardening of the surface etc.

All machining should be carried out as per machine manufacturers' recommendations for suitable tool types, feeds and speeds.



Stainless Steel 304 is readily weldable by shielded fusion and resistance welding processes, followed by air cooling giving good toughness. Oxyacetylene welding is not recommended due to possible carbon pick-up in the weld area.

Small sections may be welded without loss of corrosion resistance due to intergranular carbide precipitation, but for larger sections or for service in extreme conditions, post-weld annealing is recommended.


Welding Procedure

Welding electrodes or rods should be 308 or similar depending upon the application.
No pre-heat or post-heat is generally required.

*Please consult your welding consumables supplier.